August 28, 2007

In the mountains of Canete Fuimos a Yauyos

Yesterday we went to the mountains in Canete. we, Pastor Brian Vander, Angie and Robin from Koinonia - Suro , went to a place called Yauyos.
we had a long and difficult trip of 5 - 6 hours. Yauyos is a 2800 msnm and has 33 small towns. we went to Yuyos, the main town first and then we went to Cusi, one of the towns more affected by the earthquake and that for the altitude help is insufficient .
we brought some blankets (the temperature in the night is around of 41 ºF), some food and of course the Word of God. people of Cusi are very friendly, they were very happy with the visitors. . . . our heart wants to return with more help for them.

Ayer fuimos a Yauyos. un pueblo en la sierra de Cañete que queda a 2800 msnm. fue un largo y dificil camino de 5 - 6 horas. Primero fuimos a Yuyos capital, y luego nos enviaron a Cusi, unos de los pueblos más afectados por el terremoto y que debido a su altitud la ayuda no ha sido suficiente.

Trajimos la temperatura en la madrugada desciende hasta 5ºC por lo tanto llevamos frazadas, comida y por supuesto la Palabra de Dios. el pueblo está casi destruido. Nuestro corazón desea regresar con más ayuda.

First stop:

A beautiful place

Then we went
to Cusi

a Beutiful view

Angie sharing the
word of God in Cusi

People reading tracts

People in Cusi are

People helping
for carrying

A most of the
houses were destroyed

Man reading his tract

Kids happy for visitors.

El colegio quedó destruido


August 25, 2007

What do we need in Cañete? Qué necesitamos en Cañete.

A medida que el tiempo pasa, las necesidades van cambiando. Lo que ahora necesitamos son víveres para proveer a las "ollas comunes" y atención médica para niños y abuelitos.

Gracias a Dios hemos recibido una ofrenda de Gracia Calvary Chapel y con este dinero estamos abasteciendo a las "ollas comunes"

As the time passes, the necessities here go changing. Now we need in Cañete food for peoploe and medical attention for children.
Thanks to God we received a offering from Calvary Chapel Gracia in Peru and we are trying to buy some food for people.

Ministrying after earthquake Ministrando después del terremoto

Now we have a good oportunitty to share with people about Christ.....this won't be for a lot of time, so we have to take advantage of this opportunity.

Ahopra tenemos la oportunidad de poder compartir con la gente, no será por mucho tiempo así que tenemos que aprovechar la
oportunidad que tenemos.

Thanks to God
Today they had food.

Today we went to
visit people who
we are helping

Kervin giving
some food.

Kids in
Las Viñas

Kristel helping people
in Las Viñas

Pastor Jaime
Giving some food

Karol, She comes to
the church. Her house
was affected.

Kristel again

Oninxha, Maggy
and Veronica from
Koinonia - Lima
come to help us today

Preparing to
distribute food

August 23, 2007

Kids trying
to forget the fear

Making a tent

House destroyed

Kristel helping

This Lady received a tent

People making tents

A street in "las Vinas"

House destroyed

Carrying some blankets

House destroyed

Sharing with people

People in "Las Vinas"

Mr. Edmundo receiving
help with food

we continues helpin people in Canete Continuamos ayudando en Cañete

Thanks to God who is providing, we can continue helping to places affected by the earthquake. Every day we go to different places carrying food, clothes and medicins . Now we have a good opportunity to share the gospel with people. While we are giving the groceries we can share with them.
Thank you for your prayers!!!!!!

Gracias a Dios quien sigue proveyendo, podemos seguir ayudando a la genteafectada por el terremoto en Cañete. Cada Día vamos a diferentes lugares llevando comestibles. medicinas, y ropa a la gente necesitada. Ahora tenemos una buena oportunidad para compartir el evangelio con la gente. Mientras les dejamos los comestibles en las "ollas comunes" aprovenchamos para compartirles la Palabra de Dios".
También estoy teniendo una excelente oportunidad de discipular a los chicos de la iglesia. Estamos orando juntos, compartiendo, etc.
Gracias por sus oraciones!!!

Giving some food

helping to the neediest

Kids waiting for food

Pastor Jaime
Giving Spiritual Food

People in tents

God is providing

Medicine for people

People waiting for
some food

Kids coming for food