July 24, 2006

Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach

One week ago, we had to Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach in Cañete. This missionary team helped us to share with kids and adults the love of God. They showed to the kids an interesting puppet about the life of Daniel. They showed a mime about the creation in the Plaza. They enjoyed a lot the food prepared by Luz. It was good to see our old friends and to meet new friends also, thank you Robert for the pictures. Thank you guys, I hope see you again next year.

Hace una semana tuvimos al grupo misionero de Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach por Cañete. Ellos nos ayudaron a compartir con niños y adultos el amor de Dios. Ellos mostraron a los niños un títere muy interesante acerca de la vida de Daniel y también hicieron mimos en la plaza de San Vicente. Fue bueno ver a viejos amigos y conocer nuevos también, Gracias chicos, espero verlos el próximo año.

1 comment:

Shelley Family said...

It was a blessing getting to come and help with your ministries. Can't wait until we come back. Se queremos mucho!
