Confía en el Señor de todo corazón, y no en tu propia inteligencia. Reconócelo en todos tus caminos, y él allanará tus sendas. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Prv. 3:5,5 NVI.
April 27, 2006
Actuando a tiempo Working in time
En esta historia, José es avisado por Dios de las intenciones de Herodes de querer matar al niño Jesús. Herodes estaba furioso pues ya había sido burlado por los magos, quienes no regresaron a darle aviso de dónde estaba el niño. Vemos que Dios pone sobre aviso a José para que huya a Egipto, pues la vida del niño estaba en peligro. A mi me llama la atención que José no espero mucho tiempo para obedecer a Dios sino que lo hizo de inmediato. Dice que cuando escuchó el aviso de Dios, lo primero que hizo fue obedecer. A mi me gustaría ser como José. A veces el Señor nos muestra algo que tenemos que hacer y nosotros siempre ponemos excusas y tardamos en hacerlo. ¿Qué hubiera pasado si José hubiera tardado unos días en obedecer? Tenemos que obedecer a Dios en el momento que nos habla, no tenemos que poner excusas. Si Dios te ha mostrado algún cambio importante en tu vida, ahora es el tiempo de hacerlo, no esperes y deja de poner excusas.
Matthew 2:14 "When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed to Egypt." Biblical text taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. c 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
In this history Joseph is told by God that Herod wanted to kill Jesus. Herod was furious because the wise men had tricked him because they had not come back to tell him where the Child was. We see that God warned Joseph to run to Egypt because the life of the Child was in danger. When I read this, I noticed that Joseph didn't wait long to obey God, but he did it right away. It says that when he heard the warning of God, the first thing he did was obey. I would like to be like Joseph. Sometimes the Lord shows us something that we need to do and we always make excuses and try to wait to do it. What would have happened if Joseph had waited a few days before he obeyed? We need to obey God the moment that He speaks to us and we don't have any excuses not to. If God has shown you something important that you need to change in your life, now is the time to do it. Don't wait and let yourself make excuses!
April 22, 2006
Jesús fue rechazado Jesus was rejected

Creo que es importante pensar en esto por un momento, ya que muchas veces nosotros como cristianos somos objeto de burlas, rechazos; nos volvemos menos "populares"; pero eso no debe afectarnos ya que nuestro Señor también lo experimentó. Jesús no fue objeto de burlas a partir del ejercicio de su ministerio; sino que las burlas y el rechazo fueron algo de toda su vida. ¿la gente se burla de tí?, anímate la recompenza es grande.
This afternoon, we started to study the Gospel of Matthew with the adolescents. In chapter 1, when the angel announced the pregnancy of Mary to her fiancé Joseph and that it was not the result of unfaithfulness, but a work of the Holy Spirit, Joseph must have felt relieved to know that the story that Mary had told him about her pregnancy was true and wasn't a wild story that she told him to cover for herself. If we think about how life changed for the whole family, even Jesus, when He was born, we can see that is was a pretty difficult change for them. For example, when Mary and Joseph got married, it was obvious that Mary's stomach had grown a little. Maybe it wasn't really noticable, but there were probably people who were good with numbers and figured out that Mary was pregnant when she got married and according to the rumors, it wasn't Joseph's child! Mary was probably almost never invited to social gatherings and there was always someone talking behind Joseph's back. When Jesus was born and started to grow, I imagine that there were no lack of rumors. Even his brothers had to live with a lot of jokes from their friends who said that their older brother was illegitament. This must have effected Jesus' relationship with His brothers. Maybe this is why His brothers didn't believe in Him until after He rose from the dead. When that happened, there was no doubt that all the rumors had been baseless.I think it is important to think about this for a moment. A lot of times, we, as Christians, are also laughed at, rejected and lose popularity, but that shouldn't affect us now that our Lord also suffered these things. People didn't start laughing at Jesus for the first time when He started His ministry, the laughter and the rejection was something that He had to deal with all of His life. Do people laugh at you? Don't worry, the reward is great!
April 15, 2006
Perseverando en la oración Persevering In Prayer

los primeros meses orabas casi a diario por él. después de un año lo mencionabas esporádicamente en tus oraciones y tiempo después cuando pensabas en él sentías una gran tristeza en tu corazón al verlo alejado totalmente de los caminos del Señor y pensabas que tal vez nunca regresaría al Señor. Era tu amigo, lo saludabas en las calles, pero sabías que su interes por el Señor era sólo un añejo recuerdo en su mente. Tu te acostumbraste a su ausencia en la iglesia.
Eso me pasó hace poco a mi. dejé de orar por alguien porque había perdido la fe en que regresaría, ya me había hecho a la idea de que Kervin era parte de las estadísticas de pérdidas en la iglesia, pero gracias a Dios me equivoqué. Nuestras oraciones realmente mueven la mano de Dios, pero cuando no oramos; la mano de Dios se sigue moviendo a su voluntad. Gracias a Dios la salvación de Kervin no dependía de mis escualidas oraciones sino de la misericordia y la voluntad de nuestro soberano Dios. El día que Kervin vino a mi casa para contarme que había recivido a Cristo como su Salvador, tuve que confesarle con mucha verguenza que había dejado de orar por él.
Si has dejado de orar por alguien, si has perdido las esperanzas por ese amigo o familiar; es tiempo de retomar las armas y perseverar. El Señor anhela ser glorificado a través de las oraciones contestadas. Anímatey ora !!ahora mismo!!
Has there ever been anyone in your church who was really excited about the things of the Lord and then all of the sudden quit coming to church and finally quit being interested in God? What did you do for them? Probably the same thing I did, encourage them to come back to church and when that didn't work, the only thing you could do for them is pray. During the first months, you prayed just about every day for them. After a year, you prayed for them every now and again and then later, when you thought of this person, you felt a deep sadness in your heart to see them so far from the Lord and started to think that maybe they would never return to Him. They were your friend. You said hi to them when you saw them in the street, but you knew that their interest in the Lord was only an old memory in their mind. You got used to them not coming to church.This happened to me a few days ago. I stopped praying for someone because I had lost faith that they would return. I thought that Kervin was another statistic of a Christian who fell away, but thank God I was mistaken. Our prayers really move the hand of God but when we don't pray, God's hand just keeps moving the way it was going. Thanks be to God that Kervin's salvation no depended on my weak prayers but on the mercy and the will of our sovereign God. The day that Kervin came to my house to tell me that he had received Christ as his Savior, I had to confess to him with a lot of embarassment that I had stopped praying for him.If you have stopped praying for someone. If you have lost hope for that friend of family member, it is time to go back and persevere. The Lord wants to glorify Himself through answered prayers. Be encouraged and pray for that person right now!!
El regreso de Kervin Kervin´s return

five years ago, when we started to come to Canete to preach the word of God, we met many children and Kervin was one of them. At the beginning he was an excellent student of the bible but months later he didn´t want to know anything about Jesus. Time happening and he was less interested in God. He stopped coming to church and the only thing that we could do for him was to pray. The years happened and a few weeks ago he came to my house very quickly " I´m so excited"- he told me- "something wonderful has happened, Yesterday I received to Christ as my savior and now I´m a child of God".
The last tuesday he came to my house and he took his bible in his hands and told me: "I need to know more about God, please preach me something". He is to animated and he is coming to the church. Kervin is just a teenager with 14 years old. This is his beginning and now it´s time to convert this emotion into an real foundation through the word of God. Let´s pray for him.